Nature Feed

Nature: Ocean Giants Premieres This February!



Whales and dolphins remain a constant source of fascination. But how much do we really know about them? Whales and dolphins, known as cetaceans, may appear to be totally alien to us — but with their mental ability, group communication and the recent discovery that dolphins have individual names, they are closer to us than we ever imagined. Nature: Ocean Giants provides new insights into the lives of whales and dolphins in a visually powerful, engaging and entertaining format. The three part series premieres Wednesday, February 22 at 8:00pm on WPBT2.





In the first of three hours, Giant Lives, we examine the world of great whales, such as the blue whale and the bowhead, the largest animals that have ever lived on our planet. To these mighty leviathans, size matters. In the Arctic, giant bowhead whales survive the freezing cold wrapped in fifty tons of insulating blubber two feet thick, making them the fattest animals on the planet. And in addition to being the fattest, they may live the longest.





The second hour, Deep Thinkers, explores the cognitive and emotional lives of dolphins and whales, which have the largest brains of any animal. Like us, cetaceans have special brain cells called spindle cells that are associated with communication, emotion, and heightened social sensitivity. These cells were once thought to be unique to humans, yet research is showing that whales and dolphins have may have three times more spindle cells than we do, leading scientists to believe that their mental abilities and emotional awareness could be far greater than we imagined.





In the final hour, Voices of the Sea, the extra sensory perceptions and communication skills of these extraordinary creatures are considered. Whales and dolphins use sound to hunt, to communicate with one another, and also to “see” and experience the world around them. Sending out loud clicks, they use the echoes to form a mental picture of the world around them. They use ultrasound to see inside other creatures, clicks and whistles to speak, echolocation to navigate and hunt in the depths where the light cannot guide them.



Don't Miss the Lunar Eclipse!


WPBT2’s Star Gazers will host a Live Lunar Eclipse Event from Reno, Nevada on Saturday, December 10 from 4:00 a.m. – 7:00 am (PST) and 7:00 am  - 10:00 am (EST).To view the eclipse and join the conversation, visit

Star Gazers, a production of WPBT2, South Florida Public Media, is a new astronomy series built on the legacy of Jack Horkheimer’s award-winning series.

DeanStar Gazers hosts Dean Regas, the outreach astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory and Marlene Hidalgo, a science educator who represents the Miami Science Museum, will provide on-camera commentary and answer questions from WPBT2’s online audience as the lunar eclipse unfolds. Joining Dean and Marlene during the webcast will be Bill Dishong, series producer of Star Gazers and Star Gazer with Jack Horkheimer; and Dan Ruby, Associate Director of the Fleischmann Planetarium in Reno, Nevada.

Host Dean Regas is excited to explore the celestial sky with viewers, “I love the beauty and precision of an eclipse.  It’s a powerful moment when the Sun, Moon, and Earth line up just right to turn the Moon an eerie shade.  Each eclipse is a unique experience and I’m looking forward to sharing this rare celestial alignment.” 

MarleneWhile most of North American and Hawaii viewers may be able to see the moonset still in eclipse, viewers on the East Coast and in South America will not be able to see the eclipse.  Those along the west coast of the United States and Canada will see the beginning of totality just as the moon disappears below the western horizon.

“The WPBT2’s Star Gazers Live Event offers the opportunity for
 everyone to enjoy and discuss the entire lunar eclipse regardless of their location. I am so thrilled that I will be onsite to witness and cover the event from Reno, Nevada. I look forward to being able to share this experience with viewers, especially those in the Midwest and on the east coast, who will not be able to see the eclipse in it's entirety,”  stated Host Marlene Hildago. 

So, if you can’t make it to Reno, Nevada, you can watch the lunar eclipse on December 10th live on



WPBT2 premieres Nature: Salmon Running the Gauntlet on May 1st at 8:00 pm.

Chinook-Salmon Investigate the parallel stories of collapsing Pacific salmon populations and how biologists and engineers have become instruments in audacious experiments to replicate every stage of the fish’s life cycle in NATURE Salmon: Running the Gauntlet. Each desperate effort to save salmon has involved replacing their natural cycle of Coho_Salmon reproduction and death with a radically manipulated life history. Our once great runs of salmon are now conceived in laboratories, raised in tanks, driven in trucks and farmed in pens. NATURE goes beyond the ongoing debate over how to save an endangered species to expose a wildly creative, hopelessly complex and stunningly expensive approach to managing salmon.

WPBT2 Presents Earth Day Programming All Week Long!

Hilite-Into-Wild Follow the Roberts family from Homestead during a weekend camping trip in the Everglades National Park in Into the Wild airing Monday, April 18 at 10:30 p.m.  Before their adventure begins, family members give their honest opinions about the planned activities, their fears and concerns with the idea of spending a night in the Everglades. Their stay is filmed in a reality-TV format in order to give the audience a feeling of what the family experiences.  The goal is to show an up close and personal look at the beauty and grandeur of what has been called “The River of Grass’ and to show local residents what’s in their backyard.

Hilite-Bag-it Follow Jeb Berrier, an average American guy who is admittedly not a "tree hugger," who makes a pledge to stop using plastic bags in Bag It! airing  Wednesday, April 20 at 11:00 p.m.  His girlfriend, Anne, joins him in the challenge to decrease their use of plastic at home. This small action gets Jeb thinking about plastic, not just about plastic bags, but other kinds of plastic. "What is plastic made of? Is it recyclable? Does it decompose when it ends up in the landfill? Does plastic have negative health effects?" Jeb wants to learn more, so he embarks on a global tour to unravel the complexities of our plastic world.

Hilite-Pine-Rockland Discover the human and nonhuman interrelationships within the pine rockland natural community in Pine Rockland Composition airing Thursday, April 21 at 11:30 p.m.  The program begins at night during the wet season in the pine rock lands within Everglades National Park. The subtropical and globally imperiled pine rock lands occur exclusively on the Miami Rock Ridge limestone in South Florida and predominantly within Everglades National Park. The pine rock lands underwent rapid agricultural and urban development with the advent of the rock plow in the mid to late 20th century. Today, the pine rock lands consist of fragmented remnants as a result of habitat development and degradation, fire suppression, nonnative species, and alterations to hydrology.


WPBT2 premieres American Master: John Muir in the New World on April 18th at 9:00 pm.


Muir Nearly a century after his death, John Muir is remembered and revered as the father of the environmental movement and the founder of the Sierra Club. It was this Scottish American who believed that it was our responsibility as citizens to protect our natural surroundings. And, by example and by passion, he taught us how to care for our wilderness treasures. Through his tireless advocacy and his writings, he almost single-handedly preserved the Yosemite Valley of California and was the force behind the creation of the National Park Service. Filmed throughout the majestic landscapes in which Muir traveled, this documentary places our nation’s most important wilderness assets in a cultural and social context. Muir’s story could not be a timelier reminder of America’s unique and, ultimately, threatened eco-systems.

The documentary also goes into Muir’s private affairs, as well. There is discussion on how he met his wifeSequia tree   Louie. Through his relationships one can see how Muir placed his studies on nature above everything else. He postponed his wedding and often would be on naturist adventures while married to Louie. His devotion to nature was shown through his daily actions and his perseverance to preserving the Yosemite Valley.

WPBT2 Premieres "Nature: Survivors of the Firestorm” on April 17 at 8:00 p.m.

Firestorm1 The bushfires that tore through the Australian state of Victoria in February 2009 incinerated over a million acres of land, including key mountain ash forest ecosystems. Fires are a natural force of nature which spur regeneration, but the immediate aftermath of this giant firestorm was devastation. Kangaroos and koalas, wombats and wallabies, endangered possums and gliders, lizards, echidnas, birds of all kinds, and even fish that lived among these eucalypts were overcome by the Firestorm2 flames. Millions died. But burned and traumatized survivors tenderly nursed back to health at wildlife hospitals showed a remarkable ability to bounce back, and the environment an extraordinary capacity for healing.

Firestorm3 The burning of the firestorm went on for several days, and destroyed the wildlife in Australia. Animals died and those who survived were badly injured. It was a time that people were unsure if the ecosystem would be able to recover; however, it ended up bouncing back. Nature: Survivors of the Firestorm shows natures amazing ability to bounce back after being badly burned.

WPBT2 premieres Nature: Bird of the Gods on March 30th at 8 p.m.

Living in the depths of the New Guinean rainforest are birds of unimaginable color and beauty. Birds of God4 When Europeans first saw the plumes of these fabulous creatures in the 16th century, they believed they must be from heaven and called them birds of paradise. The people of New Guinea make even greater claims. They say the birds possess supernatural powers and magic. But to find these birds in New Guinea is one of the toughest assignments, and to witness their Birds of God3 extraordinary mating displays is even tougher. David Attenborough introduces a young team of New Guinean scientists on a grueling expedition to find and film these Birds of Paradise; the holy grail of wildlife filmmakers. 

By: Courtney Ezell

WPBT2 Kicks Off the Month of February with Great Programming!

Stefanie - 06 Go behind the scenes for a revealing look at television from yesteryear with Pioneers of Television airing Tuesdays at 8:00pm on WPBT2.

Utilizing new interviews with legendary stars, along with never-before-seen images and timeless footage that still entertains decades later, this special brings to life the fascinating history of some of the most successful and beloved shows in television.

GPN-2000-001103 Hold onto your seats as you journey through outer space with The Space Age: NASA’s Story airing Tuesdays at 9:00pm on WPBT2.

The Space Age: NASA's Story offers a fresh look at an amazing organization and mankind's quest to understand the universe. Blending stunningly restored footage with revealing, insightful and engaging interviews with the people who were there - the astronauts, family members and journalists - this is an epic story of the heroes, the triumphs and the tragedies of space exploration.

Caribbean_caribbean If that isn’t enough, take a tour through paradise with Wild Caribbean airing Wednesdays at 8:00pm on WPBT2. 

The Caribbean is the embodiment of paradise: crystal blue waters, magical coral reefs and lush tropical forests. Yet behind its beauty lie many dark and mysterious secrets. This four part series reveals both the magic and the drama of a violent paradise.

For more information, visit



Frogs: The Thin Green Line

Big Eyes (JH2) Frogs have been hopping the planet for more than 350 million years. They've evolved into some of the most wondrous, diverse and beloved animals on earth. Suddenly, they're slipping away. We've already lost one-third of our amphibians and more are disappearing each day. Some say it's the greatest extinction since the dinosaurs. Ecosystems are beginning to unravel, important medical cures are vanishing and we're losing a dear old friend. It's a global crisis, mobilizing scientists around the world to stem the tide — before the next frog crosses the thin green line.

Premieres Sunday, April 5 at 8:00 pm on WPBT2