Current Exhibitions Feed



MOCA at Goldman Warehouse

12.4.05 – 3.21.09

French Author Michel Houellebecq’s 2005 novel THE POSSIBITY OF AN ISLAND is exhibited at the MOCA at Goldman Warehouse in various art forms from paintings, videos, lights and sculptures. uVu got a first hand look at the exhibition, which poses existential questions in the face of an elusive future and explores the poetic and philosophical sides of science fiction.

Some of the artists involved in this exhibit are Cory Arcangel, Davide Balula, Tobias Bernstrup, Heman Chang, Peter Coffin, Matias Faldbakken, Cao Fei, Kim Fisher, Claire Fontaine, K48, Chris Kraus, Cristina Lei Rodriguez, Nicolas Lobo, Martin Oppel, Philip, Lisi Raskin, Julika Rudelius, and Mungo Thomson.

 Watch the video


0008 The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) opened an exhibit last week called Jorge Pardo: House, a major mid-career survey featuring the work of Jorge Pardo from December 4, 2007 through March 2, 2008.  Jorge Pardo: House is organized by the Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami and curated by Bonnie Clearwater.

The exhibit features older and more recent pieces by Pardo, some furniture, some architecture, some photomurals and some pieces that defy description.  Rather than creating new materials for this installation, Pardo created a new context for the work that is at once familiar and disarming.

For uVu, we had the chance to see and hear about Mr. Pardo's work and even from the artist himself.  Take a look at the video on uVu, Jorge Pardo: House will be on display at MOCA until March 2, 2008.

Ballet mécanique

Balletmechanica With Art Basel Miami kicking off this week, there is an opportunity for art lovers of every genre and taste to take advantage of a city that is overflowing with performances, exhibits and spectacles of all shapes and sizes.
This weekend, I had a chance to take a sip from the creative cup at the unveiling of a new exhibition at the Wolfsonian-FIU.  I've been to the museum often over the past year because of a regular monthly screening, Cinema 2 at The Wolf, which we have done in partnership with the museum, but on Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend as a guest as a "Robotic Symphony" was set loose, consisting of 8 player pianos, 4 bass drums, xylophones, bells, sirens and even propellers as the performed George Antheil's 1924 composition Ballet mécanique. 
The backstory is this, although written in 1924 and originally conceived as a score to accompany a film by French Dadaist artist Fernand Léger and American cinematographer Dudley Murphy, Ballet mécanique was never performed the way the composer envisioned it, because the technology―most significantly, the ability to synchronize multiple player pianos―did not then exist.
Fast forward a three quarters of a century, after several attempts to present the film with Antheil’s music, it wasn’t until the 1990s that music technology advanced to where Antheil’s piece could finally be played in its original orchestration. The first full performance of the piece was produced in 1999. The extraordinary robotic performance that has been mounted by The Wolfsonian is presented by Paul D. Lehrman, coordinator of music technology at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts and Eric Singer, director of the League of Electrical Musical Urban Robots (LEMUR) in Brooklyn, New York. Together they created the programming and the robotic mechanisms to bring this work to life.
You can get a sense of this installation by visiting our website, uVu, but believe me there is nothing like being at the Wolfsonian-FIU to see it live.

ZAP! POW! BAM! The Superhero: The Golden Age of Comic Books, 1938-1950

ZAP! POW! BAM! The Superhero: The Golden Age of Comic Books, 1938-1950

Superman Yes – Jewish artists and writers dominated the Golden Age of Comics. In the midst of the economic and political turmoil of the 1930s and 1940s following the 1929 stock market crash and onset of the depression, comic books offered Americans an escapist form of entertainment and the champions who shaped the values of an entire generation. Those heroic characters became an American icon and helped shape American expectations of the perennial battle between good and evil.

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