The big news story of the week may be the approval of the first steps in redefining what the city of Miami will look like in the future. Miami commissioners voted on a package of projects that could change the landscape of the city and move it closer to the much discussed Miami 21.
According to the Miami Herald, "The 4-1 vote, adopted after hours of debate, embraced Mayor Manny Diaz's vision of a new Miami glittered with billions of dollars' worth of projects.
The package includes money for a $914 million tunnel to the Port of Miami, a Museum Park downtown and a $525 million baseball stadium on the site where the Orange Bowl now sits -- all tied together in one basket through a plan to expand city Community Redevelopment Agency districts.
''This agreement will allow us to put together the pieces to create a world-class city,'' Commission Chairman Joe Sanchez said shortly before voting yes."
But backing up just a few days, last Friday in fact, Ricky Burdett, the Chief Architectural adviser of the 2012 London Olympics was in town and gave his thoughts on what a major city of the future ought to look and feel like. On hand for parts of this presentation, called DAWNTOWN '07, where Mayor Diaz and Commissioner Sanchez among others.
Rather than recap what was said, you have an opportunity to hear and see it all, courtesy of our website uVu, it is important information for all citizens of South Florida to hear, where ever you stand on the future development of the region. Take a look and let us know what you think.