Hello! My name is Natalie “Frugalista” McNeal, and I’m the editor of a special new project of the Nightly Business Report called “Riding Out The Storm.” Our team wants you to submit a video to uVu of any questions, feelings or views that you have about this tricky economy. We would love to know how this economy is impacting your life. Have you found a job? Are you looking for work? Is your unemployment running out? Are you working in a new career because of the job market? Were you able to get a great deal on a home because of the economy?
Also, if you have any questions about what to do with your finances, please ask us in a video and we will have a top financial advisor answer you in a video for FREE! 
In my other life, I blog about frugal and fabulous living at The Frugalista Files. See, I’m trying to make this economy work for me, too!
Please submit your videos early and often! I don’t bite (hard)!