Young and Restless in China
FRONTLINE Executive Producer, David Fanning, Visits WPBT

And the winner is....


Acclaimed South Florida restaurateur, and host of Check, Please! South Florida, Michelle Bernstein was recognized with the honor of a James Beard award this past weekend for Best Chef in the South.  In weeks leading up to the award ceremony, Michelle joked that she would likely be the Susan Lucci of the culinary world.  But not so!  This was her year to shine.  (It was her third nomination.)

And if you browse the nominees, it's also interesting to note her success in a profession dominated so heavily by men.

Congrats, Michelle, from your Channel 2 family!

You can catch our own South Florida celebrity chef, as she stirs the pot and spices up the conversation, hosting the popular restaurant review series, Check, Please! South Florida.  Every Monday and Thursday night at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 5:30 pm

-- Joyce in Production


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